Grande pezzo di Danah Boyd, da rileggere. Offre spunti fondamentali per comprendere come la questione della privacy su Facebook sia seria. E giustamente non si pone l'obiettivo di alimentare tra gli utenti la voglia di abbandonare quella piattaforma. Ma di spingere le persone che la usano a chiedere fortemente regole più intelligenti. E' un approccio non strumentale e costruttivo. Degno della migliore cultware.
Ecco le sei tesi di Danah:
- I do not believe that people will (or should) leave Facebook because of privacy issues.
- I do not believe that the tech elites who are publicly leaving
Facebook will affect on the company’s numbers; they are
unrepresentative and were not central users in the first place. - I do not believe that an alternative will emerge in the next 2-5 years that will “replace” Facebook in any meaningful sense.
- I believe that Facebook will get regulated and I would like to see
an open discussion of what this means and what form this takes. - I believe that a significant minority of users are at risk because
of decisions Facebook has made and I think that those of us who aren’t
owe it to those who are to work through these issues. - I believe that Facebook needs to start a public dialogue with users
and those who are concerned ASAP (and Elliot Schrage’s Q&A doesn’t